Creative Spiral Tokyo Zokei University Yokoyama Memorial Manzu Art Museum
date 2014
size インスタレーション
technique 腰機
material 日々の生活の中で出会う素材
モノに宿る情報は膨大である。色、匂い、触感、ありとあらゆるモノに含まれる情報は私の記憶を呼び起こす鍵となる。 2013年夏、私は初めてのイギリスでの海外展示に参加することになった。この機会に得ることができる全ての感動を余すことなく持ち帰る為に、私は身の回りにあるモノをその場で織物にして持ち帰るということを思いつく。遊牧民の織技法を研究し、自作した織機を毎日持ち歩き、人と関わり、土の匂いをかぎながら織り上げた54日分の布は僕の記憶そのものである。そして、言葉では記し残すことのできない感覚すらも呼び起こす記録媒体でもある。
Inweave the memory which exists in a thing as a diary
Creative Spiral Tokyo Zokei University Yokoyama Memorial Manzu Art Museum
date 2014
size. installation
technique. backstrap loom
material. Materials encountered in daily life
The information which exists in a thing is massive.
Every single various information such as colors, smells, textures, and more that exist in a thing will be a key to evoke my memories. In the summer of 2014, I participated in an overseas exhibition in the UK for the first time. In order to fully record all the feelings of being moved that I am able to get in this opportunity, I made everything around me into the woven fabric on-site and recorded those as a weaving diary.I had woven this fabric for 54 days by myself, studying a weaving technique of the nomad tribe and carrying a self-made weaving machine every day while communicating with people and smelling soils. These are my memories themselves. Therefore, this is also a medium for memorizing that can evoke feelings that are not able to be noted by words.
This is an exhibition in Creative Spiral Tokyo Zokei University Yokoyama Memorial Manzu Art Museum with the same works and contents as the exhibition in England.