祈りの布 – Prayer textile
date 2020
size 60×60cm
technique 岩を砕き作った色をガラス瓶で布地に擦り込む
material 八王子の石、麻、鶏卵
Prayer textile
date. 2020
size. 60×60cm
technique. Rub the color made from crushed rocks into the cloth with a glass bottle
material. Hachioji stone、Hemp、Chicken egg
Particles accumulate in fibers, then they become rocks
The cloth is “prayer.”
For the sake of health, strength, happiness, and for someone else, I put small wishes born from daily life into every single fiber with the time-consuming work.
Just as small sands pile up in a huge amount of time and become hard and large rocks, small wishes will also become cloth as a strong “prayer” that opens up the future in tremendous time and work.